Electrical Safety 101

Electrical Safety 101

Electricity is a powerful force that can be both beneficial and hazardous. Electrical safety…

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Do you have an up to date Return to Work (RTW) Program?

It is a requirement of the Workers Compensation legislation that all employers must have a RTW…

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Why is First Aid important in the Workplace?

Why is First Aid important in the Workplace?

When a medical emergency or injury takes place, whether it is to an employee or a patron, knowing…

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Ensure Safety First: Prevent Cellar Trapdoor Accidents

Ensure Safety First: Prevent Cellar Trapdoor Accidents

Does your venue feature a cellar trapdoor? It's crucial to implement effective safety controls to…

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Be on the lookout for burnout

Be on the lookout for burnout

Now that the festive season is over it's a great time to check-in with your employees and see how…

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 New hearing test requirements for NSW workers

New hearing test requirements for NSW workers

From 1st January 2024, it is now compulsory for a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU…

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Sexual Harassment / Occupational Aggression and Violence

Sexual Harassment / Occupational Aggression and Violence

Do you understand the ramification to your Business? Does your Business comply with the new Code of…

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Safety Month 2023 - Week 3

Safety Month 2023 - Week 3

October is National Safe Work Month. Each week we cover a different health and safety focus area to…

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Safety Month 2023 - Week 2

Safety Month 2023 - Week 2

October is Safe Work Australia's Safety Month. We're going to be bringing you a different health…

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Safety Month 2023 - Week 1

Safety Month 2023 - Week 1

October is SafeWork Australia's Safety Month. We're going to be bringing you a different health and…

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mental health

Why mental health at work matters

The NSW Government offers employers several Mental Health resources that are both informative and…

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