Why is First Aid important in the Workplace?

23rd Apr 2024
Why is First Aid important in the Workplace?

When a medical emergency or injury takes place, whether it is to an employee or a patron, knowing what to do and being able to react quickly can limit the severity of the health scare or injury - or even prevent a death.

What are the requirements?

Your workplace must provide first aid equipment, first aid facilities and a trained first aid officer to respond rapidly and appropriately in the event a person/s requires first aid intervention.

What this would look like for your workplace will vary according to the size of your workplace, location, proximity to hospitals and other health services, and more.

Key things to consider

There are many components to consider when determining what your first aid needs and requirements are. The minimum requirements are outlined in this checklist from St John's Ambulance.

There should be visible signs indicating location of your first aid kits, who the first aid responders are and some procedures such as this resuscitation guide from St John's Ambulance

Where do I start?

Review your current First Aid kits if applicable and endure the contents are full and in date. Conducting a risk assessment of your workplace can also help you to better understand risks areas and first aid needs of your workplace.

Have an appointed person to look after first aid arrangements and have a sufficient appropriately trained first aid responders.

Keep a record of injuries, incidents, and cases of work-related injuries. These can be recorded on HIISafe under the module Hazard and Incidents Reports. If you don't have a HIISafe account, please reach out to our WHS Team who will be able to assist you.

Other resources

Please read the SafeWork NSW Code of Practice: First Aid in the Workplace (Jan 2020) for more information and visit HIISafe for other WHS resources.

We're here to help

As always, our WHS team are here to help. For any concerns you may have regarding cellar trapdoor safety, you are welcome to contact us via:

E: info@hii.au
T: 02 8251 9069  

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