National Safe Work Month Week 1: Work health and safety fundamentals

1st Oct 2024

October is National Safe Work Month. This year's National Safe Work Month theme, Safety is everyone's business, calls on workplaces across the nation to make safety their business. This theme highlights the collective benefit of safe work practices to everyone in the workplace by reinforcing WHS as a fundamental principle and right. HII will focus on the Safe Work Month topics each week of October. Week 1 focuses on Work Health and Safety (WHS) Fundamentals. Week 1 - The WHS fundamentals | Safe Work Australia

WHS fundamentals incorporate proactively managing WHS risks, genuine consultation with workers, and training and supporting workers to stay safe at work.

If workers see how important safety is to the management team, they are more likely to follow safety procedures and raise safety issues.

Did you know?

HII has a host of resources free to our policy holders to understand your WHS fundamentals, and set your business up for success in safety?

Our Learning Management system HIILearning has a handy module titled: Introduction to Health and Safety in the Workplace, which is a great place to start if you're new to safety or have some safety functions as part of your regular role.

We also have a WHS poster library on our website with informative posters that can be placed around your workplace, to draw attention to important safety topics.

We're here to help

As always, our people are here to help. For more information on resources and training courses available to all members, or any other questions you are welcome to contact the WHS Team.

T: 02 8251 9069